Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mask Assignment

Well, It has been a long week with internship applications and picking up visiting artists and trying to collate information and things for my future. I'm trying to be zen like and do what they said back when I was going to Narcotics Anonymous..."live in the now!" Are you fucking serious? None of these people have been to grad school, acted as graduate rep, been a member of the student alliance, and dealt with internship applications, crazy deadlines and had to MOVE because of a bogus roommate during all this. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!!! Okay, enough about me, here is my first little snippet with making video installations and animations. I had to lose the cartoon character. It is not part of my future. I have a much greater respect for individuals that can do that sort of thing. It's unreal. I am happy with entering some coordiantes and applying some effects to scans of my paintings and using those videos to help create environments within my installations. My only problem is, what the hell is a mask? what the hell is a mask path, what the hell is a interpolation? I love that word!!! Well, somewhat like the male to female sex change is a photoshop/after effects thing called interpolation. It takes the first character you have and turns it into the character you want it to be through either "growing" it or "diminishing" it. NO CHOP AXE and penis guillotines. It's all good. I didn't quite get to the extrapolation. Somehow I forgot. I also didn't like the photoshop mask shape that I imported. All I want to do is make circles... I wonder why? I am obsessed. I want to make round paintings. I want to drive a car with round wheels. I want to blow bubbles bubble bubbles... Here is my first mask-amation. It is a lot shorter than I had expected, but i am a happy camper nonetheless. Not that the final product is super awesome or anything, but because A.) it works (even though vimeo said it wasn't a video) and 2.) There is a lot going on, and I created it by scanning in my paintings.

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