Monday, January 28, 2013

replacement animation

So, I think Jesus Jumpkick still looks kind of weird from the vimeo hd encode directly loaded up to my blog, so I decided to upload it to my youtube account. I'm still waiting on the vimeo. I think it's much better on the youtube. I can't really tell because the computer that I'm watching the video on is extremely large and with a screen that large, perhaps it just looks strange/blurry/pixellated or something. I hope it is done correctly. The next step of our homework for this weekend has been to create a replacement animation. Since it might take me a decade to create an image in photoshop to use as replacement animation I have decided that i would try and create some eyeballs that close and do other stuff, like go bloodshot after a while. I have printed off some circles and am now going to color in different areas of the eyes and create lashes that close and open to use as movement. I cannot imagine doing animation many years ago. I guess artists had clear (gelatin?) cells that they could use as guides for reference points and also to direct them as to the exact location of the characters from frame to frame.

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