Monday, April 1, 2013

Materials and images for the final project.


here are the initial layers of spray foam insulation on the circles that I've cut.  The circles will float away from the wall and I will either sand (cut away) into the forms or I will build them up even more.  I want to spray paint them so they have some affect on the colors.

I made this silly bubble video:  I think some transition or dissolve like this might actually be really cool.

I have a bacteria growth kit Here is a link to a video about growing bacteria in a petri dish.  I have had to call the company where I ordered materials and request another because my petri dishes were broken when the box was sent here.  I was very disappointed, but it will be awesome when it happens.

Here are some of the images that I will be animating from the experiments with dye and milk.  When my old school overhead projector is fixed, I intend to do another run with the materials and hopefully get some compelling motion video that can be animated or surged into the animations.


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