Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, We were asked to go ahead and update the video that we have been working on. Mine is a cut out Jesus (with a penis) that I have had to scan into photoshop and create layers and then move the multiple layers into After effects and begin work from there. My other video was really bad. I am starting to get the hang of things. I am certainly at a disadvantage. I do not know photoshop, I barely understand "layers" or any of the other millions of various functions that this program features and operates under. I created a paper cut out background scene with a rough collage of a temple that is in Jerusalem. I'm not sure if the temple was before or after Jesus was born, but I thought that would be proper setting. I also thought about putting Jesus in a strip club. I am not sure why I have gone to such measures. poor Jesus. Everyone makes fun of him. I'm glad he's very forgiving and not going to get mad at me. I love Jesus just like the next guy. I am a lucky person to have the things that I have in this world, and a luck guy to have the opportunity to make silly videos in art school. This one is reminiscent of South park in someways, and, well... without further adieu, let me present to you "Jumpkick Jesus" YAY!!!!

Jesus layers-VimeoHDEncode from Thomas Green on Vimeo.


So, after all the difficulty I have had with making videos and putting together (especially) the replacement video,  some very small things were paramount in helping me pull it together and so, I am please to present my very first hand drawn animation entitled "Blink".  It's super crude, but I'm actually a little fond of it.  My initial idea was to mock the actions of "MARIO" from the classic and studip Warhol film "Mario Banana."    Here is the final product.  I hope you enjoy it so much that you run outside and do a flying split kick toe touch leap and rip your pants wide open!!!   Much love


green replacement-Vimeo Video Enco from Thomas Green on Vimeo.

Monday, January 28, 2013

So... this is as far as I've gotten on the replacement animation.  It has taken most of all day and it is pixellated, and not working right.  I guess that i will be occupying office hours with the professor to figure out what happened to the video and why it didn't process properly.  Perhaps I have missed some steps in my notes.  I'm not sure. VERY VERY VERY VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!
Visiting Artist Lecture: Io Palmer. Io Palmer is quite and interesting woman. She was born and raised on a small island outside of Greece. The island had virtually no motors, with the exception of the trash motorcycle, which scooted around two days a week to pick up people's garbage. I cannot imagine how peaceful and wonderful this style of life would be. Both of Io's parents were artists. Her mother worked in several various mediums including working in batik and her father worked in sculpture. Io discussed the amount of patience that it required of her father to create sculptures from large slabs of marble. Io took to the role models that her parents were and started making art as well.
And here is the encoded and uploaded video as it appears on Vimeo. I just wanted to see if it looks any different than the youtube video.

Jesus final-Vimeo Video Enco from Thomas Green on Vimeo.

replacement animation

So, I think Jesus Jumpkick still looks kind of weird from the vimeo hd encode directly loaded up to my blog, so I decided to upload it to my youtube account. I'm still waiting on the vimeo. I think it's much better on the youtube. I can't really tell because the computer that I'm watching the video on is extremely large and with a screen that large, perhaps it just looks strange/blurry/pixellated or something. I hope it is done correctly. The next step of our homework for this weekend has been to create a replacement animation. Since it might take me a decade to create an image in photoshop to use as replacement animation I have decided that i would try and create some eyeballs that close and do other stuff, like go bloodshot after a while. I have printed off some circles and am now going to color in different areas of the eyes and create lashes that close and open to use as movement. I cannot imagine doing animation many years ago. I guess artists had clear (gelatin?) cells that they could use as guides for reference points and also to direct them as to the exact location of the characters from frame to frame.

youtube upload of Jesus Jumpkick

Assignments for class on Tuesday 1/29

So,  over the weekend we were asked to finess our cut out character videos and see if that would smooth out the actions.  I worked into the graphs and used the easy in and easy out as well as  highlighted alot of the key points and allowed the After Effects to easy all the motions of my character.   This did seems to smooth out his actions.  Also, the first video that i posted was not an encode for the web, so it takes a long time to load etc.  I also decided that I wanted a background for my character to do his action.   The Background was not hard to deal with, but, I kept forgetting that If the image is not in photoshop, on the desktop, on the thumb drive, or wherever you have the video, after effects is not capable of uploading the image file and you will get one of those colorful vertical block images across your screen.   s

Finessed and encoded video for class on Tuesday 1/29

Thursday, January 24, 2013


And here is the first rendered animation we have done in the dynamic imaging class.   The action is, or course, very rough and he jerks alot.  I found challenges in making it seem like he was actually being affected by gravity.  Numerous times when i went to enter the "jump," he seemed like he was floating in air for too long, or he went up to fast and came down too slow or just the opposite.  I hope that I will get better at this over time.   I also think that animations are going to be more effective in the future when the character is generalized with local colors on the figure itself.  I can only hope that my work in this department improves greatly from here! It has been a fun introduction to After Effects.   I still have a lot of anxiety in being in this class, because I don't have any background making digital art, and everyone else in the class has been working with adobe software for years, some have even studied graphic design as a degree.   I hope that I will have the opportunity to pick up on some of the stuff done as examples in class, so that I might have a better understanding of how to use photoshop or illustrator to draw and execute some of the functions towards making a digital animation.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Working on watching some solo videos for Gay Jesus, who has been changed to hetero Jesus. After some criticisms from the class we feel the HETERO Jesus is just as smart and talented and really has the "WHOLE PACKAGE" that gay Jesus would have shown us. So, why make him gay. He's just Jesus. Jesus loves all the children of the world. I changed up some of the lyrics to this song to (fittingly) go along with contemporary Jesus. Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Black and yellow, red and white They're all precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children of the world Whether you're rich or whether you're poor It matters not to Him He remembers where you're going Not where you've been Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Black and yellow, straight and gay They're all precious, hear him say Jesus loves the little children of the world If your heart is troubled Don't worry, don't you fret He knows that you have heard His call And he won't forget Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Black and yellow, even queer They're all precious didn't you hear? Jesus loves the little children of the world All around the world tonight His children rest assured That He will watch and He will keep us Safe and secure Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Black and yellow, red and white They're all precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children of the world Here is a video of a solo cheer. I am not sure how much flipping and stuff I can get Jesus to do, but I am sure that he can leap up and kick for Joy. There is a lot to be grateful in today's world. O'bama is president, pot is legal, and queers can get married. Thank you lord for being so liberal and understanding of today's society. We love you Jesus.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gay Jesus Gay Jesus is a 35 Year old Male. He has long hair and wears white flowing robes. He is sometimes seen wearing sandals or roller skates, but often goes without shoes and au natural. He is the messiah and savior of the Earth and all its' inhabitants. His father is a really tyrannical beast and scares a lot of folks. Gay Jesus likes men, supposedly comes twice, and hangs with a dozen or so other gay dudes most of the time.